Growing watermelon is piece of cake, If you follow the proper instruction. its god’s gift in summer. In various part of world melons are known as water fruit. It has almost 80% water content.
Watermelon taste like sweet wateryy yummy crunchy ..etc. So lets see how to grow watermelon.
Potting mix: it should well riched potting mix with magnesium and calcium content. add organic compost and give proper mix to the soil.
Sowing: We can directly sow in potting mix/ soil. Also we can sow in seedling tray and transplant . If we sow this around January we get fruit in Feb end or march.
Sunlight: it need full sunlight, watermelons high heat resistant. basically its summer fruit.
Fertilizer: it need magnesium and calcium content, add more organic materials and banana peels and egg shells can help.
Add lots of organic compost like chicken compost, goat compost, cow dung. kitchen compost..etc
Pest : aphids, white worms, mealy bugs will affect plant.
Pest control: Add 2 tbsp of neem oil with 1 litre water and pinch of soap oil to dilute and spray on leaves and fruit.
Maintenance : cut side shoot veins to boost growth.
Reduce leaves by cutting, so that the fruit get all nutrients.
Watering : potting mix/soil should be moist. water accordingly.
Harvest : We can expect harvest stage of fruit within 90 days after sowing seeds . it may vary upto 120 days ( depends upon your region)